PlaySafe, llc

recreational consulting & services

Hints when participating in a Virtual Instructor-Led Training:


Before Your Session

         Test your access & Brush up on your computer skills

Make sure you can log in to Wi-Fi from your location and the device you plan to use. Are you using a smartphone app instead?  Zoom offers a test meeting space that you can try on your own.

         Identify your sources for tech support -- Your Help Desk

If you are using an agency computer, meet with the IT Department after trying the Zoom test meeting space if you are having connectivity issues.  Perhaps the IT staff will provide their cell number for a “day-of” issue so you don’t miss too much of the content.

During an Online Class Session

Log in early

Have the link, dial-in phone number and the password saved somewhere easy to retrieve and plan to log in at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. This is particularly important for your first meeting and for any meetings where you plan to log in from a new location or with a new device. Allow time for troubleshooting.

Connectivity or audio issues?

Leave the meeting and rejoin.

      Adjust your settings

Take a moment to make sure that you've muted your microphone and camera.  Depending on how each session is set up, you may need to do this every time, or it may be the default when you log in.  You can also use the web conferencing platform's tools to test your mic and video before the session gets started to ensure you are ready when the class begins.

Avoid interruptions and distractions

It is easy to wander off, physically or metally, from an online meeting.  Stay focused on the session by avoiding things like checking your e-mail, social media or working on reports when you are logged in.  Be an active participant in these live sessiions.  If you wouldn't do it in a physical classroom, avoid doing it online.


Consider using your camera

Not everyone will have access to a webcam for live sessions, but if you do, think about whether you want to use it.  Our instructor may ask you to turn on your camera at some point during the live session during a question section.  Consider what (or who) will be behind you.  Using your camera can also slow your internet connection, so if you are already having issues with speed, keep this in mind and use your camera sparingly.

Understand how private messaging works

When you open the chat function, you can usually choose to send a message to "everyone" or a private message to the presenter or individual attendees (i.e., your classmates).  It's good to assume that the instructor can see all private messages, and that these messages may also appear in a recording or transcript of the session.  We save the chat box transcript so that we can be sure to cover relevant content in the next training.  Text your friend or co-worker - don't type in the chat box.

 How will you learn sitting down for so long?

Stand up and stretch anytime you need to - it's better for learning (just turn off your camera please, thank you).